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- Sept
- 1
- Youth
Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 2:17-26 God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please him. Ecclesiastes 2:26 IT PROBABLY happens to you every year before finals. Little by little, subject by subject and assignment by assignment, you fall behind until...
- Oct
- 1
- Family
DOUBTING GOD’S GOODNESS IS OFTEN THE FIRST STEP TOWARD DOING WRONG. Bible Reading of the Day: Read Genesis 3:1-6. Verse of the Day: “No good thing will the Lord withhold from those who do what is right” (Psalm 84:11). Everyone in...
- Jul
- 1
- Family
Bible Reading: Romans 13:1-5 Obey the government, for God is the one who put it there. Romans 13:1 You’re riding your scooter down the sidewalk when you bunny-hop the curb and bolt across a busy street in the middle...
- Feb
- 1
- Youth
Bible Reading: John 18:28-38 All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true. John 18:37 ONCE UPON A time, in a land far away, two young peasants-a brother and sister named Muck and Mire—left home together. They...
- Jan
- 1
- Family
SOME PEOPLE THINK THAT RIGHT AND WRONG ARE OLD-FASHIONED IDEAS. I Bible Reading of the Day: Read Psalm 19:8-11. Verse of the Day: “[Do] what is good and right in the eyes of the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 12:28, NIV)....
- Mar
- 1
- Family
Bible Reading: Romans 3:10-20 No one can ever be made right in God’s sight by doing what his law commands. Romans 3:20 It’s the last week of school before spring break, and Mia can’t wait to see the scores for...
- Sept
- 1
- Family
LAZINESS MAY BE EASIER, BUT WILLINGNESS TO WORK AND DILIGENCE IN WORK ARE BETTER. Bible Reading of the Day: Read Proverbs 6:6-11. Verse of the Day: “Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless man goes hungry” (Proverbs 19:15, NIV). Will...
- Aug
- 1
- Youth
Bible Reading: Exodus 20: 1-17 I lavish my love on those who love me and obey my commands. Exodus 20:6 HERMAN THE CRAB stormed across the ocean floor and under the family rock. “I want to be free!” he screamed at his...
- Jun
- 1
- Family
Bible Reading: Psalm 19:7-11 There is great reward for those who obey [the laws of the Lord]. Psalm 19:11 You waited all year long for the note from the school office saying it was your turn to serve on the...
- Jan
- 1
- Youth
Bible Reading: Judges 17:1-6 In those days Israel had no king, so the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes. Judges 17:6 “WELCOME TO THE latest episode of Current Culture! My name is Geraldo Winfrey-Raphael, and I’m your...