Book Downloads
The following books are currently out of print, but they are available for free download.

McDowell / Deedat Debate
August 1981 Durban, South Africa. The debate was initiated from the Muslim side, Ahmed Deedat, a well-known Muslim public speaker in South Africa, who had read Josh’s book Evidence That Demands a Verdict, and during 1980 wrote to him, challenging him to come debate issues regarding the christian and Muslim views on the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Josh accepted.

Pizza For Everyone
Amy wants to be a soccer star more than anything. She’s sure all the kids would like here more if she won the big game. But is being a star as important as doing her best? It’s hard for Amy to understand that real love isn’t based on her performance – just as it’s hard for most children. Use this story as an opportunity to remind your child that doing his best is all you-and God-expect. At the end of the story, you’ll find questions to help you get the conversation started.

New Friends, Good Friends?
Sean would do almost anything to be liked by the other kids in class — especially by Mike and Blake. But he quickly learns that sometimes doing what makes the other kids like him can get him in serious trouble. Sean’s story will give you an opportunity to talk with your children about the ways God would have them be friends with their schoolmates-a stepping-stone to dealing with peer pressure as they reach their teens. You’ll find questions at the end of the story to help get the conversation started.

God’s Will God’s Best
Trustworthy guidance for teens on how to be certain of God’s will for their lives. Unlocks the power of Scripture, prayer, counsel and circumstances in exploring God’s specific plan for an individual’s life.

Guide to Understanding Your Bible
Many Christians long for a deeper understanding of the Bible but lack an effective method of study. In Guide to Understanding Your Bible, Josh McDowell leads you through three simple steps you can apply to all Scripture to elicit the deeper understanding you’ve always wanted. Whether you are a Bible teacher, a small group leader, a searcher, or a Christian who wants to dig deeper, this book will help you become a more discerning student of Scripture.
Experience Your Bible (Updated Version) (Buy)

Katie’s Adventure at Blueberry Pond
Katie loves to play at Blueberry Pond. But why won’t her parents let her go to the pond without a grown-up? As Katie learns that her parents have a good reason for the rules they make, she also realizes that (as well as God) make rules because they love her. Katie’s story is an invitation to share the reasons for your family rules with your child. At the end of the story, you’ll find questions to help get the conversation started.

How To Help Your Child Say “No” To Sexual Pressure
Whether your children are 7 or 19 they face tremendous pressure in today’s permissive society. This realistic and sensitive, yet compelling book will help you instill within your children that waiting until marriage is the best choice they can make about sex.

Setting You Free To Make Right Choices
Setting You Free to Make Right Choices is an 8 week study filled with 35 daily activities to help junior and senior high youth make right moral choices, turning those choices into a lifelong habit. Young people will learn what God has to do with it and discover how knowing the truth sets them free to make right choices.

Jesus: A Biblical Defense of His Deity
This book will give you a great look at why Jesus can be viewed as God from the scriptures. This is very good, easy reading for anyone who wants to have a solid answer to the popular, secular accusation that “Jesus never claimed to be God”.

The DaVinci Code
Just where does fact end and fiction begin? The brilliant mix of fact and fiction in Dan Brown’s Conspiracy story The Da Vinci Code raises serious questions regarding the origins and claims of Christianity. Many come away from the book shaken in their beliefs, wondering what is true? Questions like “Was Mary Magdalene really Jesus’ wife and the mother of his child?” And more. Josh McDowell skillfully separates facts from fallacy.

Reasons Skeptics Should Consider Christianity
This book covers 50 reasons why Christianity is credible. The Bible claims to be more than just the greatest book ever written. It claims to be the very word of God – a revelation from God to man. Skeptics ask tough questions of Christians about the Bible and Jesus Christ – “Since Jesus was human, wasn’t he fallible?” “Is there evidence of instantaneous creation?” “Does the book of Genesis contain contradictory accounts of creation?”

Josh McDowell Answers Five Tough Questions
Josh addresses in detail the five major issues often posed by non-Christians of Christianity: The Authority of the Bible; Creation and Evolution; Israel, the Chosen People; The Church of Jesus Christ; and The End Times. Josh McDowell Answers Five Tough Questions provides some help in answering these difficult questions. The answers are relevant to today’s changing culture because they are rooted in God’s eternal truth, the Scriptures.

Skeptics Who Demanded a Verdict
Josh McDowell explores the fascinating lives of three men who were profoundly skeptical about Christianity yet somehow all were profoundly changed by it. Skeptics Who Demanded a Verdict recounts the intriguing stories of Chuck Colson, key figure in the Watergate scandal; C.S. Lewis, renowned British author and committed atheist; and a certain university student by the name of Josh McDowell, who at one time was himself deeply skeptical about religion. This book recounts the facts that each of these brilliant men discovered that led them to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

He Walked Among Us
Citing positive proof from the New Testament and from non-biblical historical accounts, the authors offer irrefutable, historical evidence which proves that Jesus of Nazareth did, in fact, walk this Earth and that He was, beyond question, precisely who He was.

Tolerating the Intolerable: A Mandate To Love
Take a public stand for truth or teach your children an absolute sense of right from wrong and you will soon be branded as intolerant, fanatical, bigoted — even dangerous to society! Josh helps us understand the modern doctrine of tolerance and equips us to counter it’s insidious effects on our faith and our children.