We must start right now to protect our young people from the insidious intruders of intrusive immorality. We can instill a godly faith and godly values within them. But we must wake up and act now! A godless culture is invading our homes and schools — it is fighting for the hearts and minds of our young people — and it is all “Just 1 Click Away!”
Internet pornography secretly damages every church in America. Learn what it’s doing to your church—and proven strategies to dealing with it. Let’s do something about the pornography epidemic!
Learn more at The Set Free Global Summit website.
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and temptations are waiting online just 1 click away, invading our homes and our schools, fighting for the hearts and minds of young people, perhaps even yourself.
faith, and strong moral values can protect hearts and minds against a slippery downward slope. But we must wake up and act now and instill moral strength in our youth!
and facts can set us free. These are also just 1 click away. Begin your journey with the resources on this website; share them with those you love.
Watch this provocative video and make sure you forward to the parents and leaders in your life today!
*Mature Content. Disclaimer: The Just1ClickAway video was created according to the highest standards of integrity. All minor children acting in the film were supervised at all times by a parent. The parents met with the director in advance to closely review the script, receive explanations about the purpose and use for the film and sign releases. Minors were on set only for their specific parts and their scenes were shot without suggestive images or other characters within their view. Read why we did it
Y la tentación de esperar en fila ya un solo clic de distancia, esperando para invadir nuestras casas, escuelas y tratando de consumir las mentes y los corazones de nuestros jóvenes, y tal vez el suyo.
La fe y los valores morales enraizados protegen la mente y el corazón de las arenas movedizas. Tenemos que tomar medidas al respecto y fortalecer los valores morales de nuestra juventud.
La Verdad...
También está a sólo un clic de distancia, y puede darle libertad. Comience su camino hacia la libertad con los recursos de esta página y compártalos con sus seres queridos.
O Sexo...
A tentação está a apenas 1 click de distância, esperando invadir nossos lares e escolas, e na batalha para consumir as mentes e corações dos nossos jovens, quem sabe inclusive a sua.
Mas Deus...
A fé e os valores morais podem proteger a mente e o coração de cometerem deslizes . Devemos acordar e agir agora e fortalecer os valores morais de nossa juventude.
A Verdade...
E os fatos também podem nos libertar. Isto também se encontra a um click de distância. Comece seu caminho usando os recursos deste website; compartilhe com quem você ama.

UNDAUNTED – Josh’s Story
A gripping story of overcoming shame, anger, and despair to embracing hope, forgiveness, and abundant grace. > Be encouraged today!
Find Help
Clear Play provides filters for Hollywood masterpieces in one genre- the “Family Move.” It is a new type of parental control where you can personalize the playback of your movies- based on your own editing preferences. The site has family movie reviews and provides filter systems for DVDs.
Covenant Eyes is the pioneer of Internet Accountability software, empowering our members to maintain their online integrity. Aware of an ever-growing need to better equip parents, Covenant Eyes has developed a family Internet filter that restricts usage based on parental controls.
Article providing tips to activate already installed software on the computers and devices your kids use, so you can give them some independence but still keep tabs on their computer activities. Included are tips for adjusting privacy settings on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat.
Net Nanny protects families and helps them manage their experiences with digital content. Parents, spouses, guardians, and educators are given visibility and control in managing a child’s online experience.
OpenDNS is the only Internet parental controls solution that empowers parents to manage Web access across every device that accesses the Internet on your home network. This includes phones and computers that your kids’ friends bring into the house, giving parents peace-of-mind that their kids are protected regardless of how they’re accessing the Internet.
PureSight Technologies Ltd. was established in 1998 with the mission of providing a safe online environment for the world’s children. We aim to help parents protect their children in this world of technology by becoming involved in their online lives. We believe this involves education and information as well as software tools.
X3watch is a free accountability software program helping with online integrity. Whenever you access a website that contains inappropriate or pornographic material, the program will record the website, time, and date the site was visited. A person of your choice (an accountability partner) will receive an email containing all inappropriate sites you have visited that week.
Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction by Mark Laaser, MDiv, PhD With today’s rampant availability of Internet pornography, sexual addiction has become a national epidemic that affects up to 10 percent of Christians. As devastating as any drug habit, it brings heartbreak and despair to those it entangles.
False Intimacy by Harry Schaumberg With frank honesty, False Intimacy offers realistic direction to those whose lives or ministries have been impacted by sexual addiction while examining the roots behind these behaviors. This compelling book examines different aspects of sexual addiction, including shame, purity,and forgiveness, while exploring one’s true identity and God-given sexuality.
On the Threshold of Hope by Diane Mandt Langberg On the Threshold of Hope offers hope and healing to men and women who have been traumatized by sexual abuse. Dr. Langberg’s insights and the quotations from many survivors assure readers that they are not alone and that Christ, the Redeemer, can heal their deep wounds. Through stories, Scripture, questions, and encouragement, Dr. Langberg walks with survivors on the road to healing through Christ’s love and power.
Out of the Shadows by Pat Carnes, PhD. Sex is at the core of our identities. And when it becomes a compulsion, it can unravel our lives.Out of the Shadows is the premier work on this disorder, written by a pioneer in its treatment. Revised and updated to include the latest research-and to address the exploding phenomenon of cybersex addiction-this third edition identifies the danger signs, explains the dynamics, and describes the consequences of sexual addiction and dependency. With practical wisdom and spiritual clarity, it points the way out of the shadows of sexual compulsion and back into the light and fullness of life.
Shattered Vows by Debra Laaser If you have been devastated by your husband’s sexual betrayal-whether an isolated incident or a long-term pattern of addiction – you need to know you don’t have to live as a victim.
Terrible Things Happened to Me by Tom Scales
Watch the destruction of a young boy’s innocence and hear his pain at being powerless. Learn the events of childhood that leave him without tears, without feelings and deeply fearful of friendly or intimate relationships. See the intervention of God in his life and his transitions from victim to survivor and from survivor to victor. Appreciate how breaking his silence freed him from the control of predators and gave his life new direction and meaning. See the beauty of Faith as it nurtures the aging adult to a place of healing and subsequently to the path of ministry to other survivors.
The Pornography Trap by Ralph Earle, PhD, and Mark Laaser, Mdiv., PhD. Addressing the problem of pornography addiction, especially on the Internet, and other sexual addictions. This book was especially written for pastors and Christian leaders.
The Wounded Heart by Dr. Dan B. Allender Addresses issues of sexual abuse across social, religious, and gender lines. He provides a Biblically-based path for survivors to find healing and restoration through God’s help, love, and mercy.
When a Man You Love Was Abused by Cecil Murphey For all women who know and love a survivor of sexual assault, best-selling author Cecil Murphey has penned an honest and forthright book about helping the man in your life survive–and thrive–despite past abuses.
When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography by Vickie Tiede When your husband’s addiction to pornography leaves you shattered, betrayed, and alone, where do you turn? Through daily readings and questions on six important topics: hope, surrender, trust, identity, brokenness, and forgiveness, you will grow in healing and hope.