Omar* from the Middle East was one of the first to come to faith through the Gulf Partnership Outreach.
Last summer he joined our outreach teams to help reach his fellow countrymen and was amazed at the opportunities he had to share the truth.
The Gulf Partnership Outreach grew out of a vision to reach men and women living in “unreachable” regions of the world, like the Middle East, with the gospel. Every summer, thousands of people from this region travel to European cities for work, vacation, shopping, medical purposes and more.
It’s in this time of freedom from their home countries that our Gulf Partnership Outreach teams have the opportunity to talk with them about Jesus and share Christ-centered books and other resources.
During the summer outreach, Omar spoke with many people. But one day Omar struck up a conversation with someone special.
“I met one of the political leaders in the Gulf, who came walking down the street where we were,” Omar said. “He had four bodyguards around him. I recognized him from the pictures I had seen of him. He could not believe it when I told him I was a Christian. We had a good discussion, and I shared the truth with him. He was very interested, and before he left, he took four injeels [New Testaments] and four DVDs. He said he would read the injeel and watch the film. I was very encouraged to think that we are reaching someone with great influence in the Gulf!”
This is just one example of how God is changing the lives of those living in “unreachable” regions of the world. You can be a part of this special project by giving the resources our teams need for this summer’s outreach events.
*Names and images may have been changed for security purposes.