God on the Move! – Josh.org https://www.josh.org Josh McDowell Ministry Tue, 16 May 2023 18:04:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://www.josh.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/607/2021/06/JMM_favicon-150x150.png God on the Move! – Josh.org https://www.josh.org 32 32 Opening Eyes https://www.josh.org/opening-eyes-blog/ Thu, 11 Jan 2018 06:00:57 +0000 https://www.josh.org/?p=35512

From our staff:

Once, Josh and I were in Vancouver, B.C. for a  conference. Almost 2,500 Canadians came from all over the area (some drove 24 hours) to attend this conference titled “Hidden in Plain Sight.” Josh spoke at the opening and closing sessions, presented at a workshop, and spoke at a local church on Sunday. He also shared his life story at a lunch for 450 businessmen and women.

At the business lunch he shared how he had held onto the bitterness, hurt, and anger about being sexually abused for years. Keeping that inside him had influenced how he treated people and responded to situations.

He told the audience, “Thirty-five percent of you know exactly what I’m talking about, because you have been sexually abused in your past.” He shared how he was freed from that anger and bitterness after coming to Christ when he was able to forgive the man who had abused him.

Afterwards, the man who hosted the luncheon and ministers to many of the people in attendance asked Josh, “Is that really true? Thirty-four percent have been sexually abused? That’s hard to believe.” Josh replied, “Just stand next to me for the next few minutes.”

In 15 minutes six people got close to Josh and confided, “I know exactly what you’re talking about. It happened to me.” One sharp-dressed businessman shared, “I was abused as a child. You are the first person I have ever told.”

Our host was dumbstruck. He told Josh several times, “I never would have believed this. I never would have known these people have been wounded by this for years.”

This eye-opening experience will enable him to minister more deeply to the people he works with and provide them with hope found in Christ.

Books for the Batboy https://www.josh.org/books-for-the-batboy/ Thu, 28 Dec 2017 06:00:25 +0000 https://www.josh.org/?p=35509

From our staff:

Recently, we held an Apologetics Seminar at a church in California. One of the people helping me for the weekend was Dan, the Missions Pastor at the church. He shared his story with me of how our ministry influenced his life:

I grew up in a religiously diverse family. My two sisters were Jehovah’s Witnesses. Mom and my other sister were Christians, and my dad was into New Age. Needless to say there were a lot of arguments on religion in our house. So, I decided to put that area aside to figure out when I was older.

As a teenager, I was a bat boy for the Los Angeles Dodgers. Occasionally, people would bring free stuff for the players in the clubhouse. Once the players took what they wanted, it was open for the bat boys to take.
One time, the chaplain for the Dodgers brought in copies of Josh’s books, More Than a Carpenter and Evidence That Demands a Verdict. After the players took what the wanted, I got myself copies of each book. Both books, especially More Than a Carpenter, were instrumental in bringing me to Christ.

Now, years later because of God working through our books, Dan is the missions pastor at a growing, vibrant church in California, equipping his people to reach out to others with the hope found in Christ.

Answers within Reach https://www.josh.org/answers-within-reach-blog/ Thu, 14 Dec 2017 06:00:02 +0000 https://www.josh.org/?p=35508

Dear Josh:

I wanted to write and tell you what an amazing impact your book, More Than a Carpenter has had on me and my youth ministry. It is a great resource for high school and college youth pastors and youth leaders.

I am a youth leader at my local church and lead a small group. About a year ago we were having a discussion and my freshman boys were asking me a lot of deep spiritual questions that made me realize they were searching for real answers, not just doubting or being argumentative. Questions like, “How do you know that Jesus is really the Son of God and the Messiah,” “Did Jesus really raise from the dead?” and “Of all the world religions, I don’t see how Christianity could be the only way?”

I provided several answers to their questions that evening and various scripture references that I knew, however I also felt inadequate in thoroughly answering them. Having read your book three or four years earlier I realized that you had answered all of these questions and so many more and were also able to back them up with scripture.

I purchased several copies of More Than a Carpenter and gave them to the group. Chapters 3, 10 and 12 answered 80% of their questions in a very direct way and I felt that the entire book should be mandatory reading for all of them.

A few months later I bought a box of your books and gave one to each of the youth group’s graduating seniors. I felt that anyone entering college or the work force should solidify their faith in Christ by reading More Than a Carpenter. I have recently decided to give a copy to every co-worker in my workplace, because it is also an excellent tool for reaching the lost.

Thank you for writing such a relevant book that should be required reading for all Christians.


“Carpenter” in France https://www.josh.org/carpenter-in-france-blog/ Thu, 30 Nov 2017 06:00:32 +0000 https://www.josh.org/?p=35506

Josh’s book, More than a Carpenter, has been given away on college  campuses, at special Christmas and Easter events, at doctor’s appointments, and in other situations. We are so excited to see the interest people have shown, especially because it is definitely not the expected typical French response:

“We gave about 50 copies of the book to those who came to the special Christmas event we organized for the students. One of them, Thibaud, told us that thanks to reading the book he became convinced of the divinity of Jesus Christ. Another young man, Stéphane, who is an atheist and not ready to read the Bible yet, read the book from cover to cover. About a week later we had a debate resulting in a number of interesting conversations which Stéphane found really stimulating.”

(A. from Toulouse)

“Three years ago a former student did the Alpha course. When I first met her, she told me that she did not see how she could possibly believe that what the Bible said about Jesus and the resurrection was true. So, at the time, I gave her a copy of Josh Mc Dowell’s book: “Evidence that demands a verdict” (a big fat book in French!) that she literally devoured. Since then she has come to fully embrace Jesus as the son of God and the reality of his resurrection. She moved away after her studies and recently came to visit me accompanied by a friend. In the course of our conversation, the issue of faith and spirituality came up, so I offered the book to her friend, and he willingly accepted it!”

(L. from Lyon)

“Our team approached students with a special Easter questionnaire. We asked students how they celebrate Easter, what it means to them, whether they believe in God and who Jesus is. After discussing these things we offered them a copy of “More than a Carpenter.” About twenty students accepted the book, showing genuine interst in examining who Jesus is. We also gave them an email address or phone number if they wanted to ask questions or talk about what they’ve read.”

(D. from Rennes)

“Marélie is a freshman studying journalism in Montpellier. When I met her in December, she told me that she did not believe in God and did not see a need for him. Later that month, she came to a Christmas outreach. At the end of the outreach, I gave her “More than a Carpenter”. She was skeptical at first, but after winter break, she told me that she had read the entire book. And she really liked it! This is what Marélie said: ‘I am making steps towards Jesus. My parents don’t recognize me anymore! I talk now like god exists.’ It was evident that God had used the book to move her out of atheism. One Bible verse quoted in the book spoke to her so much that she copied it down and carried it in her pocket. Her atheist father, noticing a difference in Marélie has begun to ask questions and would like to read the book too!”

(J. from Montpellier)

“I took the book with me to the doctor’s to read in the waiting room, but also with the idea that maybe I could give it to him if the opportunity presented itself. At the end of the consultation, the doctor noticed the book on the chair next to me and asked: “What’s that you’re reading?” I said that it was about spirituality and the Christian faith. I told him that in it the author shows that you don’t need to throw your brain out the window in order to believe. Seeing his interest, I said he could have the book. The doctor seemed both surprised and grateful and told me he thought his wife too would be interested in reading it. It was so encouraging to me to see the Holy Spirit was at work, first by nudging me to take the book to the doctor’s appointment but even more by him expressing an interest in the book without me saying anything to draw his attention to it! I also gave More than a Carpenter to a former atheist with a strong scientific background who still has some struggles with the intellectual basis of her faith. I felt that the book, with its strong logical argumentation, would be really good for her. She has recently begun reading it and I’m looking forward to being able to talk about it with her.”

(L. from Lyon)

Finally, Joy and her husband, a couple who have a ministry among members of the military in Toulon, said that the book was made available to them at a perfect time for them to be able to give copies of it as a Christmas gift to 30 military and also to 25 students in their English classes. Joy said, “It has been a tremendous blessing to us!” This morning, as we were finishing this letter, a man walked into the office asking for directions and we had a lengthy conversation during which the Holy Spirit led us to give him the book. He assured us he would read it. We are thrilled by what God is doing in people’s hearts as they read More than a Carpenter. We want to thank you for all you have done to help us make this book available to people hungry for God in France and pray that the testimonies in this letter might by of great encouragement to you all.

Warmest wishes in Jesus – The French team

Indestructible Joy https://www.josh.org/indestructible-joy-blog/ Thu, 16 Nov 2017 06:00:45 +0000 https://www.josh.org/?p=35500


I have a great story to tell, and will try to give you the very abbreviated version here.

Around 2006 a business acquaintance, John, and I got acquainted on a more personal level, and went on a few dates. About a week into this ‘dating’ phase, I learned that John did not share my faith in Christ, and did not believe that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the Life, so I told John that I did not want to continue a dating relationship.

John got pretty upset with me, and asked me if I knew how intolerant my viewpoint is. I said, “Yes, actually I do know that some people consider my belief intolerant,” but reminded him that I was not asking him to change his views. I just was not willing to compromise mine. Then I told him that my relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship in my life, and if God ever decides to bless me with another husband, He will share my faith and be my spiritual leader.

So after this conversation, John called our mutual friend Shawn and relayed this conversation, anticipating that Shawn would agree with his assessment that I am a religious fanatic with intolerant views, but Shawn told him he SHARES my beliefs!

Shawn recommended YOUR BOOKS to John, and John went out that afternoon and purchased two of them (I believe they were More than a Carpenter, and Evidence That Demands a Verdict) and began reading immediately.

I had already invited John to attend church with me before this ‘break off’ so I called him to see if he still wanted to go. He said he did, and so we went, and he seemed to enjoy it. He was certainly intrigued by my commitment to my God and beliefs. I asked him if he would be willing to read The Purpose Driven Life with me and he agreed.

So, over the next 40 days we read, and discussed, and he came to church with me. I watched him transform before my very eyes. It was so incredible. Throughout this process, I prayed every day for God to protect my heart. I did not want to fall for John if he was not sincere and genuine in his seeking, or if this was not God’s plan. If my role in this relationship was just to be a witness and lead him toward a relationship with Christ, I sure did not want to step beyond that role.

But as you have already figured out, it was much more than that.

Our courtship grew out of this 40 days, and very quickly, John expressed his desire to marry me and become my spiritual leader!! John was like a sponge, soaking up the Word of God, feeling like he had so much to ‘catch up on’…and experiencing such rapid growth. We were married on January 5, 2007, and I have never been so happy before. It all came to an end on February 24, 2008. John had a heart attack while playing soccer and was gone instantly. It was such a shock and the bottom literally dropped out of my world. We only had a short 13.5 months together as husband and wife, but I am so thankful for that time.

Although John’s death was a huge shock to all of us, it was no shock to the Lord. He knew that John’s time was short, and I am so thankful that God used ME to reach John! What an honor that is, and I am proud to be his wife and know that I WILL see him again in heaven!

Over the past couple of years, I have come to see how God used Shawn too! Let’s say that John and I had connected without Shawn and the three of us had not forged such a friendship. I don’t believe that John had another Christian friend that he would have called that day. But God connected all 3 of us, so that Shawn was the one John called, and Shawn was there to point him to your books!

Today I was hoping for the chance to tell you our story, and let you know that you played a part in it too. Thank you for writing these books. God is using these books to change hearts, minds, and save souls. 

May God richly bless you and yours.


Easy-to-Understand Truth https://www.josh.org/easy-understand-truth-blog/ Thu, 02 Nov 2017 05:00:53 +0000 https://www.josh.org/?p=35499

The first book I read by Josh McDowell was in May 2016.  It was The Witness.  Right after, I devoured Josh’s biography Undaunted.  This book completely inspired me!  Christians also need inspiration from time to time!

I made a firm decision that I will use the book Undaunted to the maximum as a helpful tool for evangelism.  This book encourages.  It has various examples of a hard life, of attempts to disprove Christianity, but in the end, the conclusion is the Truth of Christ!

I also use Josh’s books during evangelism in order to prove the reliability of the Scripture, truth of the Resurrection, etc.  It is incredible when I see that some of the opponents who argue that the Bible is just an instrument to manipulate people are stumbled by some of Josh’s arguments and conclusions that I share with them.  These same people promise to rethink their objections.

I like the easy to understand style of the books, the way Josh relates his ideas.  After the first time reading, I could remember his arguments which are so helpful for me to dialog with people who think that they are atheists.

Personally, I am excited and short of words to express my emotions.  In addition to these books, I have read three other Josh books.  I like the way he does apologetics. And because of Josh, I began to love the Bible even more!  Josh’s books influence people and I am an example of this!

Inter-Generational Ministry https://www.josh.org/inter-generational-ministry-blog/ Thu, 19 Oct 2017 05:00:38 +0000 https://www.josh.org/?p=35498

From one of our staff:

Once we were in Lafayette, LA, where Josh spoke at a conference. While there I had several people share how our ministry has impacted their life and the life of their families.

One woman told me that her sons were heavily influenced by Josh (and the ministry). Every time they’d hear of Josh being in Houston, their youth group would load up and head out.  In the mid-1990’s they were at our Counter the Culture / Right From Wrong youth event held at the Astrodome with Newsboys and Rebecca St. James. The Astrodome was packed out that night … 60,000 people in attendance.

Her sons were raised on Josh’s materials. Today, one son is a worship leader, and the other one just got his Masters of Divinity.

Another guy was buying some books for his kids and grand kids. Told me that Josh brought him to Christ years ago at Northern Illinois University back when Josh did his three night speaking series. This guy was a teenager at the time and was invited by some college students to hear Josh. He went with them, and what he heard made sense. He gave his life to Christ one of those nights.

Prime example of our inter-generational ministry . . . this guy came to Christ through our ministry, and now he was buying resources to help his kids and grand kids. Both people were grateful for what we do.

See our free resources for families HERE!

Answers on YouTube https://www.josh.org/answers-on-youtube-blog/ Thu, 05 Oct 2017 05:00:23 +0000 https://www.josh.org/?p=35342

Hello there!

I would just like to thank you for posting videos of Mr. McDowell on YouTube. My 7-year-old son loves to hear the Bible and asks wonderful questions. Recently he asked how we can know that the copy of Matthew we read is what Matthew wrote down.

It was wonderful to be able to find a video–on YouTube of all places!–that quickly and clearly explained an answer he could understand. Thank you for your generosity and service in sharing such valuable knowledge!

Want to know more? Watch this video on the work of a Jewish scribe:

Check out our library of videos for youth and families HERE!

Have you or someone you know ever wondered whether we can really trust the Bible? Start your search for answers HERE!

Always Hope https://www.josh.org/always-hope/ Thu, 07 Sep 2017 05:00:27 +0000 https://www.josh.org/?p=35338

Dear Josh,

I just finished reading your book, Undaunted.

Our lives have been inter-twined for a number of decades. I went to Talbot shortly after you did and we had the same typist for our thesis. I did mine on the same subject—so much so that it looked like I had plagiarized your book.  The truth is I never read your book until you gave me a free copy shortly after yours was published.

I just had no idea how difficult your life was while you were growing up. It was such an encouragement to read your life story. I lived my life as a counselor and just recently retired. Your life story was such an inspiration to me.

Even though I am now retired, I hope to continue helping people and want to use your life story as one means to help.

No matter how difficult the life, there is always hope! Thanks!

Coaching Basketball and the Word https://www.josh.org/coaching-basketball-word/ Tue, 01 Aug 2017 05:00:43 +0000 https://www.josh.org/?p=35293

Coleen knew she was taking a risk.

Sharing her faith in the closed country in Central Asia where she was serving as a teacher and coach could get her thrown out of the country — or even arrested. In this region of the world, there is one dominant religion. Other religions, like Christianity, are forbidden.

But one day, Mara, a student at the university where Coleen was teaching and coaching basketball, approached her. “What makes your life so different?” Mara asked. She had observed Coleen all semester and was intrigued by her confidence and peace.

Coleen knew God was opening a door for her to start a spiritual conversation with Mara. Coleen was officially in the country to teach, but she is also a Christian missionary and staff member. She knew she had to be careful. Trying to convert someone away from the official religion carried grave consequences. She did not want to found out by government authorities or tricked.

So she gave Mara a copy of More Than a Carpenter, translated into her own language.

“Read this, and then we’ll talk,” Coleen told Mara. Sharing a book involved less risk than talking about spiritual things right then. Mara went home that night and read More Than a Carpenter from start to finish. As she read, God opened her eyes to the truth of the gospel and of His love and forgiveness.

After reading everything, she knew she wanted the Lord to be part of her life. “So I asked him in my heart,” Mara shared.

Mara came back the next day and told her coach what she’d done. For the next four years, Coleen coached Mara not only in basketball but also in the Word. After she graduated, Mara took a leap of faith and courageously became the first local to become a staff member in her country. Today, Mara is reaching others in her closed country with the truth about Jesus.

What an impact just one person, equipped with biblical resources, can make!

This year we have received requests for 105,000 copies of More Than a Carpenter that will be used in places like Europe, Ethiopia and Central Asia. Our staff tell us that just one book can reach up to 10 people with the truth — with one copy often being passed among families and friends.

Will you join us in providing More Than a Carpenter around the world so that we can reach even more people with the truth about Jesus?



