Matthew Tingblad
Matthew Tingblad es orador y autor del equipo global del Ministerio de Josh McDowell.
Conoce a Matthew

Como escritor y orador con un Máster en Divinidad por la Escuela de Teología Talbot, Matthew siente pasión por hacer crecer y fortalecer la iglesia con una base firme para la fe cristiana. Con sabiduría y sensibilidad, ofrece un enfoque único de las difíciles preguntas bíblicas y de las necesidades profundamente sentidas de los adolescentes, estudiantes universitarios y jóvenes profesionales de hoy, integrando la teología y la filosofía en la apologética. Matthew ha animado a miles de personas a crecer en una convicción tan sólida como una roca de que Dios es real, Dios es bueno y Dios es digno de confianza.
Solidify Weekend
Con Matthew Tingblad
Una conferencia diseñada para que adolescentes y jóvenes adultos fortalezcan su fe frente a las tormentas de nuestra cultura secular.
Charlas Disponibles:

Por qué el cristianismo tiene sentido
¿Cuáles son las pruebas de la existencia de Dios, de la fiabilidad de la Biblia o de la resurrección de Jesús? Éstas son las preguntas fundamentales de la apologética cristiana, que busca dar razones para creer que el cristianismo es verdadero. En esta charla, Matthew repasa el ABC de la apologética cristiana para ayudar a los demás a comprender que la fe cristiana se fundamenta en una base razonable para creer.

Did God really say?
In this special presentation, Matthew brings in real artifacts of the Old and New Testament, taking his listeners back in time and explaining how they demonstrate that the text of the Bible has been reliably preserved for us today. The talk is more than a simple apologetic presentation, but an opportunity to encounter real evidence for the living Word of God.

Breathed Out by God
2 Timothy 3:16 teaches that the Bible is “Breathed out” by God. But how does Scripture demonstrate divine insight? In this talk, Matthew discusses how the Bible bears the markings of a supernatural source. By discovering the remarkably unified nature of Scripture, you will learn that the Bible’s message is best explained by the divine handiwork work of God.

Why did God Do That?
Of all the different ways that Christianity has been challenged, probably the most common objection is that God is not good. After all, how can God be good when he gives burdensome laws, delivers judgment, or sends people to Hell? Matthew tackles these questions to affirm God’s goodness, not in spite of these difficulties, but because of them.

¿Dónde está Dios en mi dolor y sufrimiento?
For many years, the challenge of pain and suffering has eroded our ability to trust that God is truly good and loving. In this talk, Matthew discusses not just the philosophical problem of why God allows pain and suffering but guides his listeners to explore how God brings healing and comfort in our darkest moments of life.

Information Oceanload
We live in a world with an ocean of information. Although an ocean can be a marvelous thing to make use of, it appears that our generation is lost at sea. This is mentally exhausting and has corroded our trust in Christianity and truth in general. This is the challenge that Matthew seeks to address by providing sensible methods for interpreting information and encouragement that God’s truth is able to lead us to shore.

The Case for Community
Today, most Christian apologetics is about why we should believe in God, the Bible, and Jesus. But there is another issue that is sharply needed in today’s consumeristic society: Why should we believe in the local church? In this talk, Matthew defends our need for Christian community by presenting a biblical case of God’s design for his local church and why it matters.

Worth It!
Even with all the reasons to believe God is real and God is good, many remain hesitant to embrace Christianity. The life God calls us to is not easy, and young people are not convinced that God is worth it. This message seeks to address the fear of committing one’s life to God by diving into Philippians 3, exploring why Paul joyfully gave away his former life to attain Christ.

How do we Mature as Christians?
How does spiritual growth take place? How do spiritual practices translate into Christian maturity, and what does Christian maturity even look like? In this talk, Matthew looks hard at these questions and offers pastoral encouragement for those who feel hopelessly stuck in their faith.
Nuestro Calendario
Check back later for future events!

En un mundo lleno de incertidumbre, una pregunta se ha destacado por encima de las demás:
"¿Es Dios realmente bueno?"
Todos nos hemos encontrado con esos pasajes cuestionables de las Escrituras que parecen poner a prueba nuestra comprensión de Su bondad. Los momentos en los que debatimos para reconciliar nuestra visión de un Dios amoroso con mandatos aparentemente severos a menudo nos hacen luchar con nuestra fe.
""Why Did God Do That?” [¿Por qué Dios hizo eso?] surge como una brújula indispensable guiándote a través de los complejos pasajes de la Biblia, revelando los hilos sutiles de la bondad de Dios entretejidos incluso dentro de la narrativa más desconcertante.
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