Resolution: Reaching a Generation with Wholeness
Solutions For Five Main Challenges of Young People’s Wholeness. What Josh McDowell and Ben Bennett Have Discovered Generation Z (those born between 1999 and 2015)
Ben reside actualmente en Dallas, Texas, y sirve como autor, orador y evangelista, apoyando la salud y la restauración de hombres y mujeres que luchan contra las heridas, el pecado habitual y el quebrantamiento sexual.
Solutions For Five Main Challenges of Young People’s Wholeness. What Josh McDowell and Ben Bennett Have Discovered Generation Z (those born between 1999 and 2015)
I (Josh) was recently speaking with the youth pastor of a large church. I asked what he thought the number one epidemic is among youth.
Greater economic hardship. Relational disconnection. Loss of loved ones. Uncertainty. Job loss. Xenophobia. Racism. Lack of safety. The effects of COVID-19 are endless, and ruthless.
If you’ve heard of the Christian book I Kissed Dating Goodbye, which was published several decades ago, you may have chuckled at the title of
We live in a world full of stress, hurt, and things that were not meant to be. Regardless of our particular struggles, we all develop
Have you, as I have, experienced reactive and unhealthy accountability in your life? Have you found yourself hiding your struggles, or only sharing your unhealthy
As I mentioned in my previous post, our shame and self-image plays a significant factor in the unhealthy thoughts and actions we struggle with on
For most of my life I believed I was a worthless sinner, only tolerated by God because of Jesus’ work on the cross. Sure, I
More than ever, we live in an over-sexualized world. Daily we are bombarded with sexual content from the media, advertising, video games, internet, and movies.
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