Moms, you deserve honor and affirmation every day!

“Hi, Mom!”
You know what’s interesting to me? That in all my years of watching sports, whenever the television camera keyed in on a player on the bench, I only ever heard ONE player say, “Hi, Dad!” EVERY other time the player said, “Hi, Mom!” You wanna know why that is?
Because of the special role moms play in the heart, memory, and life of their children.
Bottom line, moms build special connections with their kids because they “get” the value of relationship. Much more than dads do — though we try! Perhaps because God created moms to be nurturers, they seem to understand that relationship trumps rules. Here’s the truth: rules without relationship lead to rebellion. But when rules stem from relationship, kids listen!
When I think back on my childhood, my dad was hardly ever around for me — or if he was around, he was drunk. But I so clearly remember all the times my mother was there for me. She stood in the gap, ensuring that I felt wanted and loved. I think that’s the special ministry of moms: the ability to really be there for their kids, particularly if they’re sensitive to God’s leading.
“Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck.” ~ Proverbs 1:8-9
My wife, Dottie, really helped me to minister to our children as they grew up. And she gave me the huge gift of always elevating me in the presence of our children. Moms, that’s a terrific thing to do for your children, especially if their dad can’t be around as much because of work, ministry, or other reasons! Help your children to feel loved by their father — especially when he is incapable of showing it — and they’ll love you even more for it.
I know that you single moms carry a heavy burden, but you can excel at being the primary foundation in your children’s lives by building a strong bond based on availability, love, and trust. But don’t hesitate to let others help you to carry this load. There are, for example, so many older people without grandchildren in their lives who would love to have a shot at filling the role!
Moms, everywhere, I encourage you to begin building strong relationships with your kids early, and to dig in and keep the relationship going as they grow (even through the teen years when it feels like they’re not listening to you!), so you’ll get to savor the thrill of having a tremendous, life-long impact in their lives. I so enjoy spending time with my now-adult kids and their children!
Moms, I salute you!
I’ve been married to my lovely bride, Dottie, for nearly half a century now (wow!). She is an excellent mother to our kids because she always strives to be a conduit of God’s grace, love, and patience. Our kids adore her — as do I!
“Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.’” ~Proverbs 31:28-31
P.S. Want to know my 7 A’s of Parenting? I’ve made a bunch of short videos in which I share these valuable parenting tips I learned over the years with my kids. My seven tips cover the topics of Affirmation, Acceptance, Appreciation, Availability, Affection, Approach Their World, and Accountability. Check them out!